Novedades PLC/ENG Abril 2024

Novela en castellano

El brazo de Pollak, Hans von Trotha, Editorial Periférica, 2024.

Roma, víspera del 16 de octubre de 1943. Alertado de los planes de las SS de llevar a cabo una redada de judíos a la mañana siguiente, monseñor F. envía al profesor alemán K. al Palazzo Odescalchi. Su misión: trasladar urgentemente a Ludwig Pollak y a su familia al Vaticano para salvarlos de una deportación que finalmente conduciría a más de mil judíos romanos a la muerte en Auschwitz. Sin embargo, Pollak en vez de apresurarse a huir, decide contar su historia.

Desaparecidos, Tim Gautreaux, La Huerta Grande Editorial, 2024.

Una novela magistral, ambientada en los barcos de vapor que recorrían el Misisipi durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX, cargados de bebida, baile y jazz. Cuando una niña es secuestrada en unos grandes almacenes de Nueva Orleans, al supervisor, Sam Simoneaux, lo atormentan la culpa, el dolor y los fantasmas de su turbulento pasado. Decidido a encontrarla, Sam emprende un viaje que lo llevará a mundos de música y violencia y a pantanos recónditos que ocultan a quienes eligen vivir según sus propias leyes.

Novela en inglés

Solito: a memoir, Javier Zamora, Random House, 2022.

Javier Zamora’s adventure is a three-thousand-mile journey from his small town in El Salvador, through Guatemala and Mexico, and across the U.S. border. He will leave behind his beloved aunt and grandparents to reunite with a mother who left four years ago and a father he barely remembers. Traveling alone amid a group of strangers and a “coyote” hired to lead them to safety, Javier expects his trip to last two short weeks.

The women, Kristin Hannah, Macmillan, 2024.

Women can be heroes, too’. When twenty-year-old nursing student, Frances “Frankie” McGrath, hears these unexpected words, it is a revelation. Raised on California’s idyllic Coronado Island and sheltered by her conservative parents, she has always prided herself on doing the right thing, being a good girl. But in 1965 the world is changing, and she suddenly imagines a different path for her life. When her brother ships out to serve in Vietnam, she impulsively joins the Army Nurses Corps and follows his path.

The fury, Alex Michaelides, Penguin Random House Group, 2024.

‘There were seven of us in all, trapped on the island. One of us was a murderer . . .’

On a small private Greek island, former movie star Lana Farrar – an old friend – invites a select group of us to stay. It’ll be hot, sunny, perfect. A chance to relax and reconnect – and maybe for a few hidden truths to come out. Because nothing on this island is quite what it seems. Not Lana. Not her guests. Certainly not the murderer – furiously plotting their crime . . . But who am I? My name is Elliot Chase, and I’m going to tell you a story unlike any you’ve ever heard.

A love song for Ricki Wilde, Tia Williams, Grand Central Publishing, 2024.

A Love Song for Ricki Wilde follows Ricki, an impulsive and artistic daughter of Atlanta’s elite, as she leaves her family to open a flower shop in Harlem. There, she encounters a mysterious stranger amid the backdrop of the Harlem Renaissance, sparking a life-changing romance. Set against the glamour of modern Harlem, the novel explores themes of love, passion, and the pursuit of a more fulfilling life in the vibrant atmosphere of New York City.


La bibliomula de Córdoba, Lupano, Norma Editorial, 2023.

Fines del siglo X. La muerte de Alhakén II ha dejado el califato de Córdoba en manos de Hisham II, un niño de once años. Su tutor, Almanzor, aprovecha la circunstancia para reinar en su nombre. Entre sus disposiciones destaca la quema de miles de volúmenes de la biblioteca de Córdoba. Solo se salvarán unos pocos, a lomos de una mula guiada por un ladrón y una pareja de esclavos.